Lifegate in NovemĀ­ber 2024

In NovemĀ­ber, BurgĀ­hard SchunĀ­kert reports on many events that took place at Lifegate under the headings: On the road with peopĀ­le big and small; Olive oil is ready for shipĀ­ment; Sister MagdaĀ­leĀ­na ā€“ a very cherisĀ­hed ā€žorigiĀ­nalā€; FamiĀ­ly days with ā€žJoni and Friendsā€ in Lifegate Garden and a few more. Are you curious about the topics behind the headĀ­lines or what else is insiĀ­de? PleaĀ­se click on the downĀ­load button below.

Enjoy reading!

Here you can find the monthĀ­ly report as a pdf-file.