Lifegate Rehabilitation

Gate­way to Life

We help peop­le with disa­bi­li­ties in the Holy Land – Isra­el and the Pales­ti­ni­an terri­to­ries – as well as in Jordan, Iraq and Egypt to learn to live inde­pendent­ly through support, educa­ti­on, trai­ning and therapy.

Lifegate Beit Jala

Unique and invi­go­ra­ting. Our house in Beit Jala is a real gate­way to life.

Lifegate Garden Guesthouse

For indi­vi­du­al trave­lers or groups, our guest house offers a small oasis of peace on your jour­ney through the Holy Land.

Support asso­cia­ti­on

Learn more about our asso­cia­ti­on that makes the work in Beit Jala possible.

Online store from Lifegate

You can conve­ni­ent­ly order selec­ted products from the Lifegate work­shop in Beit Jala in our online store.
We hope you enjoy looking around and choo­sing articles.

Belie­ve more – music video

A new song by Danny Siegel for LIFEGATE in Beit Jala. Thank you!


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News around Lifegate

Here you can disco­ver exci­ting stories, the latest news from Beit Jala and inte­res­t­ing back­ground reports about our work and the acti­vi­ties of our association.

Lifegate in July and August 2024

Lifegate in July and August 2024 

In July and August, Burg­hard Schun­kert reports on many wonderful things that have happen­ed at Lifegate under the headings: „Summer retre­at” at the early inter­ven­ti­on center; voca­tio­nal trai­ning and…

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Volun­t­a­ry Commitment

Volun­t­a­ry Commitment 

Acti­vi­ties of volun­teers-asso­cia­ti­on members and other support­ers of LIFEGATE from 13. July 2024 Many volun­teers – asso­cia­ti­on members and other support­ers of LIFEGATE – are commit­ted to the people…

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Lifegate in June 2024

Lifegate in June 2024 

In June, Burg­hard Schun­kert reports on many wonderful things that have happen­ed at Lifegate under the headings: „Lifegate on the move”; „Off to the monas­tery” or a visit to the petting zoo. Are you…

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Plea­se help us!

Even a small finan­cial contri­bu­ti­on can have a big impact on the lives of indi­vi­du­als.
Help us so that we can help.

„Every day when I go to school, my favo­ri­te thing is to study maths with my teacher Mariam.”

Years of
Lifegate work

Child­ren and young peop­le in daily support

Child­ren and young peop­le in daily indi­vi­du­al support

