Beit Jala

Lifegate Beit Jala

On the follo­wing pages you can learn ever­y­thing about the multi­face­ted work of Lifegate.

How we help

Our work is varied and very indi­vi­du­al­ly tail­o­red to the needs of each person.


(Early) support & inclu­si­ve measures

Thera­peu­tic work

Thera­pies based on medi­cal findings

Voca­tio­nal training

We offer 14 diffe­rent apprenticeships

Work with parents

Fami­ly beco­mes a part of our support team

Peop­le with disabilities

Who we help

Peop­le with disa­bi­li­ties in the West Bank often live on the margins of socie­ty. Public support is miss­ing as well as support and encou­ra­ge­ment, which can lead to a self-deter­mi­ned life.

A team of Pales­ti­ni­an, Israe­li and inter­na­tio­nal staff is facing this situation.

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Where we help

The basis of our work is our Lifegate Center in Beit Jala near Beth­le­hem. Howe­ver, we support with medi­cal aids and ortho­pae­dic care not only in our imme­dia­te vici­ni­ty, but also in the enti­re West Bank.

What we produce

Our produc­tion

From tasteful olive oil, to olive wood Christ­mas tree pendants, self-sewn bags or hand­ma­de cera­mics. With the sale of our products, we contri­bu­te to the finan­cing of our institution.

Work­shops, dentists & Co.

Our services

Find out more about the services we provi­de to support the peop­le on site.

Staff & Volunteers

Who we are

Great things can only be achie­ved toge­ther. Our team consists of commit­ted peop­le: teachers, thera­pists, skil­led workers, trai­ners and volunteers.

Lifegate flyer

Trai­ning, colla­bo­ra­ti­on, thera­py – this flyer summa­ri­zes the most important aspects of Life­ga­te’s work and shows ways to support our work.