How we help
Our work is varied and very indiÂviÂduÂalÂly tailÂoÂred to the needs of each person.
(Early) support & incluÂsiÂve measures
TheraÂpeuÂtic work
TheraÂpies based on mediÂcal findings
VocaÂtioÂnal training
We offer 14 diffeÂrent apprenticeships
Work with parents
FamiÂly becoÂmes a part of our support team
PeopÂle with disabilities
Who we help
PeopÂle with disaÂbiÂliÂties in the West Bank often live on the margins of socieÂty. Public support is missÂing as well as support and encouÂraÂgeÂment, which can lead to a self-deterÂmiÂned life.
A team of PalesÂtiÂniÂan, IsraeÂli and interÂnaÂtioÂnal staff is facing this situation.
Jana and Jury had their tendons lengÂtheÂned in an orthoÂpaeÂdic operaÂtiÂon. The two girls with cereÂbral palsy (CP) will come to our kinderÂgarÂten and will learn to walk with the Lifegate therapist.
Where we help
The basis of our work is our Lifegate Center in Beit Jala near BethÂleÂhem. HoweÂver, we support with mediÂcal aids and orthoÂpaeÂdic care not only in our immeÂdiaÂte viciÂniÂty, but also in the entiÂre West Bank.
What we produce
Our producÂtion
From tasteful olive oil, to olive wood ChristÂmas tree pendants, self-sewn bags or handÂmaÂde ceraÂmics. With the sale of our products, we contriÂbuÂte to the finanÂcing of our institution.
WorkÂshops, dentists & Co.
Our services
Find out more about the services we proviÂde to support the peopÂle on site.
Staff & Volunteers
Who we are
Great things can only be achieÂved togeÂther. Our team consists of commitÂted peopÂle: teachers, theraÂpists, skilÂled workers, traiÂners and volunteers.
Lifegate flyer
TraiÂning, collaÂboÂraÂtiÂon, theraÂpy – this flyer summaÂriÂzes the most important aspects of LifeÂgaÂte’s work and shows ways to support our work.