

A lot of our part­ners have been support­ing us for many years. Coope­ra­ti­on is an important corner­stone of our work. We say THANK YOU for the great support and cooperation!

Our part­ners

On the follo­wing pages you can find out ever­y­thing about our part­ners throug­hout Germa­ny and in Bethlehem. 

„Stern­stun­den”- We help children

„Stern­stun­den – We help child­ren” supports Lifegate in Beit Jala. Lifegate says thank you for the gene­rous support!


We are a member of the Cari­tas asso­cia­ti­on for the dioce­se of Würz­burg.


The commit­ment of Lifegate is support­ed in many ways and due to perso­nal and long-stan­ding rela­ti­onships by various YMCA associations.

Diako­ni­sches Werk Bayern

Tor zum Leben e.V. is a member of the asso­cia­ti­on Diako­ni­sches Werk Bayern.

Beth­le­hem University

Student life in the West Bank and infor­ma­ti­on about Beth­le­hem and other church and social insti­tu­ti­ons in the Beth­le­hem area.

Hebrew Univer­si­ty

Student life in Jeru­sa­lem. Infor­ma­ti­on about the city­’s histo­ry and links to cultu­ral sites and all Israe­li universities.

DVHL – Deut­scher Verein vom Heili­gen Land (German Asso­cia­ti­on of the Holy Land)

In close coope­ra­ti­on, the DVHL regu­lar­ly sends volun­teers to Lifegate.