Lifegate Rehabilitation



Lifegate Rehabilitation offers varied and exci­ting tasks with many oppor­tu­ni­ties in a social environment.

Working with Lifegate

There is the oppor­tu­ni­ty to support Lifegate and the guest house for a peri­od of time as part of a volun­t­a­ry service or aid assign­ment. There are many diffe­rent ways to get involved.

The dura­ti­on of a short-term assign­ment should be at least one month to a maxi­mum of three months. In addi­ti­on, the German Asso­cia­ti­on of the Holy Land (DVHL) sends two volun­teers to Lifegate every year for a peri­od of one year.

If you are inte­res­ted, plea­se cont­act the office in Germa­ny for more information.

Possi­ble tasks

Manu­al work

Pedago­gi­cal assistance

Thera­peu­tic assistance

Work in the kitchen and cafeteria

Work in the guesthouse

Office of Tor zum Leben e.V.

Tor zum Leben – Lifegate Rehabilitation e.V.
Maria Zaidan

Albert-Einstein-Str. 25g
97941 Tauber­bi­schofs­heim

Tele­pho­ne: +49 931 58069
Mobil: +49 1579 2361991
E‑Mail: geschaeftsstelle@​lifegate-​reha.​de