Starting point in the West Bank
People with Disabilities
People with disabilities in the West Bank often live on the margins of society. Public support is missing as well as support and encouragement, which can lead to a self-determined life.
Our vision
Open the gates to life
A team of Palestinian, Israeli and international staff faces this situation. Lifegate helps children and young people and their families to develop a healthy self-esteem, builds trust and motivates them to individually tailored support programs.
Our „motor” is God’s hope and love for all people, which is translated into action and word.
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Which people we help precisely
- Children and young people with various disabilities, who often did not receive professional support and therefore could not take their place in the normal education system.
- Adult people with disabilities who want to learn something, need therapy or medical aid. At Lifegate, we want to lead every person into possible independence and guide them to contribute to their own livelihood.
- Parents and family members of children and young people with disabilities. We guide them so that they can make their contribution to the lives of the children and young people.
- Other organisations for the disabled. Here we help with the supply of wheelchairs and medical aids, therapy offers and further training for employees.