Support asso­cia­ti­on

How we are organized


More infor­ma­ti­on about our asso­cia­ti­on: Office, work­shop sales, board members & Co.

Office & work­shop sales

The asso­cia­ti­on runs a small office and the work­shop sales office for Christ­mas and bazaar artic­les in Tauberbischofsheim.

The office is mana­ged by Maria Zaidan.


Maria Zaidan

Albert-Einstein-Stra­ße 25g
97941 Tauber­bi­schofs­heim

Phone: +49 931 58069
Mobil: +49 1579 2361991
E‑Mail: geschaeftsstelle@​lifegate-​reha.​de

Work­shop sale

Chris­ti­ne Mohr oder Ceci­lia Monsalve

Albert-Einstein-Stra­ße 25g
97941 Tauber­bi­schofs­heim

Phone: +49 9341 8463720
Mobil: +49 151 55027777
E‑Mail: werkstattverkauf@​lifegate-​reha.​de

Team Tor zum Leben e.V.

The volun­teer board and the team behind it:

Maria Zaidan


Justus Krau­se


Dirk Klin­gel­hö­fer

Board of Directors

Barba­ra Könnecke

Board of Directors

Jochen Laske

Board of Directors

Volker Metz

Publi­ca­ti­ons Unit

Chris­ti­ne Mohr

Work­shop sale

Ceci­lia Monsalve

Work­shop sale

Stefan Oehler

Board of Directors

Kath­rin Styra


Advi­so­ry Board

The advi­so­ry board of Tor zum Leben e.V. curr­ent­ly includes

  • Hans Schö­bel
    former direc­tor of the Cent­re for Physi­cal­ly and Multi­ple Disab­led Peop­le in Würzburg-Heuchelhof
  • Musa Al Munai­zel
    Diako­nie Berlin / Pedago­gi­cal Advisor
  • Pastor Ulrich Parza­ny
    former Gene­ral Secre­ta­ry of the YMCA Gene­ral Association
  • Hans-Martin Stäb­ler
    former Secre­ta­ry Gene­ral of the YMCA Bavaria