Office & workÂshop sales
The assoÂciaÂtiÂon runs a small office and the workÂshop sales office for ChristÂmas and bazaar articÂles in Tauberbischofsheim.
The office is manaÂged by Maria Zaidan.
Maria Zaidan
Albert-Einstein-StraÂße 25g
97941 TauberÂbiÂschofsÂheim
Phone: +49 931 58069
Mobil: +49 1579 2361991
E‑Mail: geschaeftsstelle@​lifegate-​reha.​de
WorkÂshop sale
ChrisÂtiÂne Mohr oder CeciÂlia Monsalve
Albert-Einstein-StraÂße 25g
97941 TauberÂbiÂschofsÂheim
Phone: +49 9341 8463720
Mobil: +49 151 55027777
E‑Mail: werkstattverkauf@​lifegate-​reha.​de
Team Tor zum Leben e.V.
The volunÂteer board and the team behind it:
Maria Zaidan
Justus KrauÂse
Dirk KlinÂgelÂhöÂfer
Board of Directors
BarbaÂra Könnecke
Board of Directors
Jochen Laske
Board of Directors
Volker Metz
PubliÂcaÂtiÂons Unit
ChrisÂtiÂne Mohr
WorkÂshop sale
CeciÂlia Monsalve
WorkÂshop sale
Stefan Oehler
Board of Directors
KathÂrin Styra
AdviÂsoÂry Board
The adviÂsoÂry board of Tor zum Leben e.V. currÂentÂly includes
- Hans SchöÂbel
former direcÂtor of the CentÂre for PhysiÂcalÂly and MultiÂple DisabÂled PeopÂle in Würzburg-Heuchelhof - Musa Al MunaiÂzel
DiakoÂnie Berlin / PedagoÂgiÂcal Advisor
- Pastor Ulrich ParzaÂny
former GeneÂral SecreÂtaÂry of the YMCA GeneÂral Association - Hans-Martin StäbÂler
former SecreÂtaÂry GeneÂral of the YMCA Bavaria