To this day, donaÂtiÂons are still the central pillar of finanÂcing the running costs of our rehabilitation work. Most of our donors know Lifegate and the sponÂsoÂring assoÂciaÂtiÂon from persoÂnal contÂacts and, in some cases, long-stanÂding relationships.
BecoÂme part of the Lifegate famiÂly and support the childÂren and young peopÂle in the West Bank with a donaÂtiÂon. Our assoÂciaÂtiÂon is recoÂgniÂzed as a chariÂtaÂble and non-profit orgaÂnizaÂtiÂon and will issue you with a donaÂtiÂon receipt.
DonaÂtiÂon receipts are issued at the end of the year. If you requiÂre a donaÂtiÂon receipt in the current year, pleaÂse contÂact our office.
DonaÂtiÂons by bank transfer
You can support us conveÂniÂentÂly by bank transfer.
Tor zum Leben – Lifegate Rehabilitation e.V.
IBAN: DE88 7905 0000 0002 2675 81
BLZ: 79050000 (SparÂkasÂse MainÂfranÂken WürzÂburg)
DonaÂte via PayPal
You can support us conveÂniÂentÂly via PayPal.
You can becoÂme a sponÂsoÂring member from an annuÂal sum of 30 euros and thus becoÂme part of the Lifegate famiÂly. By becoÂming a member, you proviÂde reliaÂble and reguÂlar support for LifeÂgaÂte’s work.
SupportÂing membership
PleaÂse compleÂte the appliÂcaÂtiÂon form and send it to the office by e‑mail or post.
Sale of goods from our workshops
One of the main tasks of the assoÂciaÂtiÂon is to sell the goods from the Lifegate workÂshops in Beit Jala in GermaÂny. Many peopÂle help with this and offer the goods at bazaars in church commuÂniÂties and at ChristÂmas markets, among other places.
They sell to friends and approach compaÂnies that are looking for gifts for their employees, for examÂpÂle. There is a lot of expeÂriÂence and a whole basket full of ideas. PleaÂse get in touch with our workÂshop sales staff.
WorkÂshop sale
Tor zum Leben – Lifegate Rehabilitation e.V.
ChrisÂtiÂne Mohr
CeciÂlia Monsalve
Albert-Einstein-Str. 25g
97941 TauberÂbiÂschofsÂheim
TeleÂphoÂne: +49 9341 846 37 20
Mobil: +49 151 550 277 77
E‑Mail: werkstattverkauf@​lifegate-​reha.​de
Visit to Lifegate
For many years, peopÂle have reguÂlarÂly visiÂted Lifegate on site to gain a persoÂnal impresÂsiÂon. They have come to us as indiÂviÂduÂal traveÂlers or orgaÂniÂzed in groups. EverÂyoÂne is welcoÂme and the Lifegate team looks forward to welcoÂming guests.
Lifegate has also been coopeÂraÂting for many years with an IsraeÂli orgaÂniÂzer of pilgrimage and walking tours to the Holy Land – SK Tours in NatuÂre. The trips booked through the orgaÂniÂzer are planÂned accorÂding to the fair travel prinÂciÂple: The groups visit Lifegate each time and also stay overÂnight in the Lifegate Garden guest house run by Lifegate or at another locaÂtiÂon in the West Bank. This means that your visit also beneÂfits us econoÂmicÂalÂly. You will gain a fair insight into the condiÂtiÂons and views of the Arab and Jewish-IsraeÂli side.
If you are inteÂresÂted, pleaÂse contÂact BurgÂhard SchunÂkert or the office.
Office of Tor zum Leben e.V.
Tor zum Leben – Lifegate Rehabilitation e.V.
Maria Zaidan
Albert-Einstein-Str. 25g
97941 TauberÂbiÂschofsÂheim
TeleÂphoÂne: +49 931 58069
Mobil: +49 1579 2361991
E‑Mail: geschaeftsstelle@​lifegate-​reha.​de
Lifegate Rehabilitation in Beit Jala
Lifegate Rehabilitation
BurgÂhard Schunkert
Post-Office Box 177
Beit Jala
IsraÂel – West Bank
TeleÂphoÂne: +972 2 2741373
E‑Mail: reha@​lgate.​org
Working with Lifegate
You have the opporÂtuÂniÂty to volunÂteer or help out at Lifegate and in the guestÂhouse for a periÂod of time. There are many diffeÂrent ways to get involved.
- ManuÂal work
- PedagoÂgiÂcal assistance
- TheraÂpeuÂtic assistance
- Work in the kitchen and cafeteria
- Work in the guesthouse
The duraÂtiÂon of a short-term assignÂment should be at least one month to a maxiÂmum of three months. In addiÂtiÂon, the German AssoÂciaÂtiÂon of the Holy Land (DVHL) sends two volunÂteers to Lifegate every year for a periÂod of one year.
If you are inteÂresÂted, pleaÂse contÂact the office for more information.
Office of Tor zum Leben e.V.
Tor zum Leben – Lifegate Rehabilitation e.V.
Maria Zaidan
Albert-Einstein-Str. 25g
97941 TauberÂbiÂschofsÂheim
TeleÂphoÂne: +49 931 58069
Mobil: +49 1579 2361991
E‑Mail: geschaeftsstelle@​lifegate-​reha.​de