
Infor­ma­ti­on accor­ding to § 5 TMG

Tor zum Leben – Lifegate Rehabilitation e.V.
Albert Einstein Street 25g
97941 Tauber­bi­schofs­heim

Regis­ter of asso­cia­ti­ons: VR 1473
Regis­try court: Würz­burg Local Court

Repre­sen­ted by:
Dirk Klin­gel­hö­fer
Barba­ra Könne­cke
Justus Krau­se
Jochen Laske
Tors­ten Neumann


e‑mail: vorstand@​lifegate-​reha.​de

Value added tax ID

Sales tax iden­ti­fi­ca­ti­on number accor­ding to § 27 a sales tax law:
257/ 111/ 00663

Econo­mic Iden­ti­fi­ca­ti­on Number


Respon­si­ble for the content

Manage­ment Board – Tor zum Leben – Lifegate Rehabilitation e.V.

Consu­mer dispu­te resolution/​Universal Media­ti­on Body

We are neither willing nor obli­ged to parti­ci­pa­te in dispu­te reso­lu­ti­on procee­dings befo­re a consu­mer arbi­tra­ti­on board.

Liabi­li­ty for contents

As a service provi­der we are accor­ding to § 7 Abs.1 TMG respon­si­ble for our own contents on these pages accor­ding to the gene­ral laws. Accor­ding to §§ 8 to 10 TMG we are not obli­ged to moni­tor trans­mit­ted or stored infor­ma­ti­on or to inves­ti­ga­te circum­s­tances that indi­ca­te ille­gal activity.

Obli­ga­ti­ons to remo­ve or block the use of infor­ma­ti­on accor­ding to gene­ral laws remain unaf­fec­ted. Howe­ver, liabi­li­ty in this respect is only possi­ble from the time of know­ledge of a concre­te infrin­ge­ment. If we beco­me aware of any such infrin­ge­ments, we will remo­ve these contents immediately.

Liabi­li­ty for links

Our offer conta­ins links to exter­nal websites of third parties, on whose contents we have no influence. Ther­e­fo­re we cannot assu­me any liabi­li­ty for these exter­nal contents. The respec­ti­ve provi­der or opera­tor of the sites is always respon­si­ble for the content of the linked sites. The linked pages were checked for possi­ble legal viola­ti­ons at the time of linking. Ille­gal contents were not reco­gnizable at the time of linking.

Howe­ver, a perma­nent control of the contents of the linked pages is not reasonable without concre­te evidence of a viola­ti­on of the law. If we beco­me aware of any infrin­ge­ments, we will remo­ve such links immediately.


The contents and works on these pages crea­ted by the site opera­tors are subject to German copy­right law. The dupli­ca­ti­on, proces­sing, distri­bu­ti­on and any kind of utiliza­ti­on outside the limits of copy­right law requi­re the writ­ten consent of the respec­ti­ve author or crea­tor. Down­loads and copies of these pages are only permit­ted for priva­te, non-commer­cial use.

Inso­far as the content on this site was not crea­ted by the opera­tor, the copy­rights of third parties are respec­ted. In parti­cu­lar, third-party content is iden­ti­fied as such. Should you nevert­hel­ess beco­me aware of a copy­right infrin­ge­ment, we ask you to inform us accor­din­gly. If we beco­me aware of any infrin­ge­ments, we will remo­ve such contents immediately.

Source: e‑

Web design

Simon Leimig