InforÂmaÂtiÂon accorÂding to § 5 TMG
Tor zum Leben – Lifegate Rehabilitation e.V.
Albert Einstein Street 25g
97941 TauberÂbiÂschofsÂheim
RegisÂter of assoÂciaÂtiÂons: VR 1473
RegisÂtry court: WürzÂburg Local Court
RepreÂsenÂted by:
Dirk KlinÂgelÂhöÂfer
BarbaÂra KönneÂcke
Justus KrauÂse
Jochen Laske
TorsÂten Neumann
e‑mail: vorstand@​lifegate-​reha.​de
Value added tax ID
Sales tax idenÂtiÂfiÂcaÂtiÂon number accorÂding to § 27 a sales tax law:
257/ 111/ 00663
EconoÂmic IdenÂtiÂfiÂcaÂtiÂon Number
ResponÂsiÂble for the content
ManageÂment Board – Tor zum Leben – Lifegate Rehabilitation e.V.
ConsuÂmer dispuÂte resolution/​Universal MediaÂtiÂon Body
We are neither willing nor obliÂged to partiÂciÂpaÂte in dispuÂte resoÂluÂtiÂon proceeÂdings befoÂre a consuÂmer arbiÂtraÂtiÂon board.
LiabiÂliÂty for contents
As a service proviÂder we are accorÂding to § 7 Abs.1 TMG responÂsiÂble for our own contents on these pages accorÂding to the geneÂral laws. AccorÂding to §§ 8 to 10 TMG we are not obliÂged to moniÂtor transÂmitÂted or stored inforÂmaÂtiÂon or to invesÂtiÂgaÂte circumÂsÂtances that indiÂcaÂte illeÂgal activity.
ObliÂgaÂtiÂons to remoÂve or block the use of inforÂmaÂtiÂon accorÂding to geneÂral laws remain unafÂfecÂted. HoweÂver, liabiÂliÂty in this respect is only possiÂble from the time of knowÂledge of a concreÂte infrinÂgeÂment. If we becoÂme aware of any such infrinÂgeÂments, we will remoÂve these contents immediately.
LiabiÂliÂty for links
Our offer contaÂins links to exterÂnal websites of third parties, on whose contents we have no influence. TherÂeÂfoÂre we cannot assuÂme any liabiÂliÂty for these exterÂnal contents. The respecÂtiÂve proviÂder or operaÂtor of the sites is always responÂsiÂble for the content of the linked sites. The linked pages were checked for possiÂble legal violaÂtiÂons at the time of linking. IlleÂgal contents were not recoÂgnizable at the time of linking.
HoweÂver, a permaÂnent control of the contents of the linked pages is not reasonable without concreÂte evidence of a violaÂtiÂon of the law. If we becoÂme aware of any infrinÂgeÂments, we will remoÂve such links immediately.
The contents and works on these pages creaÂted by the site operaÂtors are subject to German copyÂright law. The dupliÂcaÂtiÂon, procesÂsing, distriÂbuÂtiÂon and any kind of utilizaÂtiÂon outside the limits of copyÂright law requiÂre the writÂten consent of the respecÂtiÂve author or creaÂtor. DownÂloads and copies of these pages are only permitÂted for privaÂte, non-commerÂcial use.
InsoÂfar as the content on this site was not creaÂted by the operaÂtor, the copyÂrights of third parties are respecÂted. In partiÂcuÂlar, third-party content is idenÂtiÂfied as such. Should you nevertÂhelÂess becoÂme aware of a copyÂright infrinÂgeÂment, we ask you to inform us accorÂdinÂgly. If we becoÂme aware of any infrinÂgeÂments, we will remoÂve such contents immediately.
Source: e‑