Tasty olive oil, crea­ti­ve cera­mics and much more

Our produc­tion

Tasty & unique

1. Olive oil

2. Olive wood

3. Cera­mics

4. Texti­le products

1. Olive oil

Our natu­ral­ly pure and tasty olive oil from ‘Sama­ria’ is still produ­ced today in the same way as it has been since anci­ent times.

We are actively invol­ved in filling, pack­a­ging and ship­ping it to Germa­ny. We also supp­ly the thyme spice mixtu­re „Zatar”, which is popu­lar in our country.


washing and pres­sing the olives


the oil in bott­les and containers

Sticking on

the label on bott­les and canisters


for trans­port to Europe

2. Gift items made of olive wood

The old tradi­tio­nal carving craft is contin­ued at Lifegate.

We are now not only specia­li­sed in Christ­mas deco­ra­ti­ons and nati­vi­ty scenes, but also make many useful artic­les of daily use from this beau­tiful­ly grai­ned wood.


Four steps to make a Christ­mas tree pendant

1. Imprint

of the motif on sawn and dried olive wood plates

2. Sawing out

of the motif with the scroll saw

3. Grin­ding work

on the workpiece

4. Comple­ti­on

with clear lacquer

3. Cera­mics

Each coun­try has their own special cera­mics, which reflect their natu­re and peop­le. Here, it is the fruits, buil­dings and motifs of our land that are found on our plates, cups and bowls.

1. Produc­tion

of pottery from clay

2. First firing

of the pottery in the pottery kiln

3. Pain­ting

of our own cera­mics and of purcha­sed blanks

4. Glaze

and last firing

4. Texti­le products

Embro­idery, knit­ting, tailoring

In the past, the local women embro­ide­red their special holi­day clothes. This has deve­lo­ped into a tradi­tio­nal craft, which many wheel­chair users are able to practice.

Book covers, wallets, bags of various sizes and now also Coro­na masks are wonderful­ly and colourful­ly embro­ide­red at Lifegate.

In the texti­le proces­sing depart­ment, we produ­ce beau­tiful touch books made of fabric remnants, which todd­lers love to play with and disco­ver a small world.

Our bags made of truck tarpau­lins, sewn toge­ther with car safe­ty belts, are very robust and prac­ti­cal in daily use.


Repair and modi­fi­ca­ti­on work

Bed linen

Manu­fac­tu­ring of bed linen & pillowcases

Touch Books

Produc­tion of touch books for children


Produc­tion of robust bags from truck tarpau­lins and car safe­ty belts