VersaÂtiÂle & Helpful
In all our service departÂments, Lifegate employs peopÂle with disabilities.
1. WheelÂchair repair
Aids service & wheelÂchair repair
2. OrthoÂpaeÂdics
OrthoÂses, prosÂtheÂses & inserts
3. Dental surgery
TreatÂments, implants & Co.
4. Nursing service
Care & home visits
5. ShoeÂmaÂker
Shoes, bags & suitcases
6. LaunÂdry
7. RestauÂrant
CateÂring & cooking
1. Aid service and wheelÂchair repair
Our Lifegate childÂren and young adults and many other peopÂle who turn to us receiÂve the necesÂsaÂry aids, which we at Lifegate tailÂor, adapt and constantÂly optiÂmiÂse. These tools are lent to the peopÂle, repaiÂred and reneÂwed by our team. InterÂnaÂtioÂnal orgaÂnizaÂtiÂons proviÂde us with donaÂtiÂons of aids every year.
of aids to childÂren and adults
of aids also for custoÂmers from outside
On-site assisÂtance
OutpaÂtiÂent use of aids in the patiÂents’ homes
DistriÂbuÂtiÂon of aids
We distriÂbuÂte aids througÂhout the country
2. OrthoÂpaeÂdic mechanics
PeopÂle with a disaÂbiÂliÂty are fitted with orthoÂpaeÂdic insoÂles, orthoÂses and prosÂtheÂses. AlreÂaÂdy exisÂting aids can be chanÂged and adaptÂed by us. At the same time young peopÂle are traiÂned in this craft.
OrthoÂses & prostheses
Armsplints and orthoÂpaeÂdic insoles
CombiÂned suppÂly ideas with the aids department
3. Dental surgery
A dentist looks after small and large patiÂents here. This is the only SnooÂzel dental clinic in our area that speciaÂliÂzes in the needs of childÂren with disabilities.
Dental hygieÂne
and initiÂal examinations
Dental treatÂments
Fillings, tooth extraÂcÂtion and dentures
accorÂding to indiÂviÂduÂal needs
with orthÂodonÂtist
4. Out-patiÂent care and theraÂpy services
In the afterÂnoons and on SaturÂdays our theraÂpy and care departÂment offers a service for outpatients.
A lot of peopÂle come over even from JeruÂsaÂlem (10 km) to receiÂve good theraÂpeuÂtic treatÂment with us.
Home visits
to peopÂle who need care
Care measuÂres
like washing, dresÂsing, feeding, etc.
of relaÂtiÂves to help them with nursing tasks
of theraÂpeuÂtic exerÂciÂsÂes etc.
5. ShoeÂmaÂker’s workshop
The only remaiÂning cobbler’s workÂshop in the villaÂge enjoys a good influx of visiÂtors. We also carry out repairs of suitÂcaÂses and bags and upholsÂtery work in this department.
Repair of suitÂcaÂses, bags & shoes
ProducÂtion of wheelÂchair belts
UpholsÂtery work
PrepaÂraÂtiÂon of inserts
6. LaunÂdry
Hotels, restauÂrants and privaÂte custoÂmers belong to the clienteÂle of our laundry.
Washing and ironing
of bed linen and towels for hotels and guest houses
of carpets
Washing and ironing
of clothes from privaÂte persons
Washing and cleaning
of our Lifegate towels as well as of the bed linen and towels from Lifegate Garden
7. RestauÂrant / cateÂring service
As part of our traiÂning programÂme to becoÂme a cook and a kitchen helper, we prepaÂre lunch for groups of visiÂtors, proviÂde childÂren and employees with a healtÂhy breakÂfast and work for cateÂring orders that we receiÂve from outside. Our own cafeÂteÂria is also suppliÂed by the central kitchen.
Bread and pastries made in our own kitchen are also gladÂly bought by members of our team.
ProviÂding our staff and the childÂren / teenÂagers during the morning break
PrepaÂring lunch for guests (travel groups & individuals)
CateÂring service
CateÂring service for parties and celeÂbraÂtiÂons (also take-away)
TakeaÂway food for our employees and custoÂmers per order