Versa­ti­le & Helpful

Our services

Versa­ti­le & Helpful

In all our service depart­ments, Lifegate employs peop­le with disabilities.

1. Wheel­chair repair

Aids service & wheel­chair repair

2. Ortho­pae­dics

Ortho­ses, pros­the­ses & inserts

3. Dental surgery

Treat­ments, implants & Co.

4. Nursing service

Care & home visits

5. Shoe­ma­ker

Shoes, bags & suitcases

6. Laun­dry

Clea­ning, washing & ironing

7. Restau­rant

Cate­ring & cooking

1. Aid service and wheel­chair repair

Our Lifegate child­ren and young adults and many other peop­le who turn to us recei­ve the neces­sa­ry aids, which we at Lifegate tail­or, adapt and constant­ly opti­mi­se. These tools are lent to the peop­le, repai­red and rene­wed by our team. Inter­na­tio­nal orga­niza­ti­ons provi­de us with dona­ti­ons of aids every year.


of aids to child­ren and adults


of aids also for custo­mers from outside

On-site assis­tance

Outpa­ti­ent use of aids in the pati­ents’ homes

Distri­bu­ti­on of aids

We distri­bu­te aids throug­hout the country

2. Ortho­pae­dic mechanics

Peop­le with a disa­bi­li­ty are fitted with ortho­pae­dic inso­les, ortho­ses and pros­the­ses. Alre­a­dy exis­ting aids can be chan­ged and adapt­ed by us. At the same time young peop­le are trai­ned in this craft.

Ortho­ses & prostheses

Armsplints and ortho­pae­dic insoles


Combi­ned supp­ly ideas with the aids department

3. Dental surgery

A dentist looks after small and large pati­ents here. This is the only Snoo­zel dental clinic in our area that specia­li­zes in the needs of child­ren with disabilities.

Dental hygie­ne

and initi­al examinations

Dental treat­ments

Fillings, tooth extra­c­tion and dentures


accor­ding to indi­vi­du­al needs


with orth­odon­tist

4. Out-pati­ent care and thera­py services

In the after­noons and on Satur­days our thera­py and care depart­ment offers a service for outpatients.

A lot of peop­le come over even from Jeru­sa­lem (10 km) to recei­ve good thera­peu­tic treat­ment with us.

Home visits

to peop­le who need care

Care measu­res

like washing, dres­sing, feeding, etc.


of rela­ti­ves to help them with nursing tasks


of thera­peu­tic exer­ci­s­es etc.

5. Shoe­ma­ker’s workshop

The only remai­ning cobbler’s work­shop in the villa­ge enjoys a good influx of visi­tors. We also carry out repairs of suit­ca­ses and bags and uphols­tery work in this department.

Repair of suit­ca­ses, bags & shoes

Produc­tion of wheel­chair belts

Uphols­tery work

Prepa­ra­ti­on of inserts

6. Laun­dry

Hotels, restau­rants and priva­te custo­mers belong to the cliente­le of our laundry.

Washing and ironing 

of bed linen and towels for hotels and guest houses


of carpets

Washing and ironing

of clothes from priva­te persons

Washing and cleaning

of our Lifegate towels as well as of the bed linen and towels from Lifegate Garden

7. Restau­rant / cate­ring service

As part of our trai­ning program­me to beco­me a cook and a kitchen helper, we prepa­re lunch for groups of visi­tors, provi­de child­ren and employees with a healt­hy break­fast and work for cate­ring orders that we recei­ve from outside. Our own cafe­te­ria is also suppli­ed by the central kitchen.

Bread and pastries made in our own kitchen are also glad­ly bought by members of our team.


Provi­ding our staff and the child­ren / teen­agers during the morning break


Prepa­ring lunch for guests (travel groups & individuals)

Cate­ring service

Cate­ring service for parties and cele­bra­ti­ons (also take-away)


Takea­way food for our employees and custo­mers per order