LocaÂtiÂon | Rooms | Common areas | PersoÂnal | Prices | Bookin request
DirectÂly in Bethlehem
In the middÂle of BethÂleÂhem, within walking distance of the Church of the NatiÂviÂty of Jesus, the gate to a small oasis opens behind a wall. Our guest house Lifegate Garden (BetharÂram) is locaÂted on a quiet hill next to an old monasÂtery, surrounÂded by olive groves, flowers and gardens.
On three floors connecÂted by an elevaÂtor, we offer a simpÂle and very pleaÂsant stay for up to 70 peopÂle in 34 rooms. All rooms are equipÂped with a toilet, showÂer and WLAN.
Two rooms are available for wheelÂchair users.
ShowÂer and toilet
All 34 rooms are equipÂped with showÂers and toilets.
All three floors are easiÂly accesÂsiÂble via an elevator.
You can access the InterÂnet througÂhout the builÂding via Wifi.
WheelÂchair accessible
Two of our rooms are desiÂgned to meet the needs of wheelÂchair users.
Common areas
Places to stay
A central fridge offers cool drinks and a small bar inviÂtes you to enjoy a drink in the evening.
BeauÂtiful outdoor seating areas can also be used. There is also an orienÂtal cellar vault, where we serve deliÂcious meals, as well as two lounÂges for lectures, semiÂnars or meetings after the day’s program.
A friendÂly lounge also inviÂtes you to enjoy a cozy get-togeÂther in winter.
A littÂle gem at the end: a former stable has been converÂted into a beauÂtiful littÂle chapel in our hostel, where you can find peace and quiet, celeÂbraÂte a church service or a prayÂer or let the impresÂsiÂons of the day pass by once again.
Common areas and semiÂnar rooms
There are two rooms available for lectures, semiÂnars or meetings.
Dining room in the vaulÂted cellar
Treat yoursÂelf to a varieÂty of dishes in the orienÂtal cellar vault.
Outdoor area with garden.
Enjoy the green oasis right on your doorstep.
Find peace and quiet in a beauÂtiful littÂle chapel where the stable used to be.
In our guest house, young peopÂle with disaÂbiÂliÂties are traiÂned by our staff in kitchen work, room service, gardening and launÂdry and later have the opporÂtuÂniÂty to work in other hotel businesses.
With your booking you support the work of Lifegate Rehabilitation with young peopÂle with disaÂbiÂliÂties in BethÂleÂhem and Beit Jala.
Single room
Double room
Triple room
IndiÂviÂduÂal travelÂlers and small groups
Up to 15 persons
Single room
Double room
Triple room
- Prices in Euro per person per room.
- Single guests are requesÂted to pay the room price in cash on arrival.
- Subject to price increaÂses at Easter and Christmas.
- Coach drivers and local tour guides in single rooms receiÂve a 50 percent discount.
- Lunch for groups 18 euros per person.
- A depoÂsit of 10 percent can be requesÂted at the time of booking. The invoice must be settÂled within 30 days.
- You will receiÂve our binding reserÂvaÂtiÂon fees with the booking confirÂmaÂtiÂon and they are part of the contract. Of courÂse you can also enquiÂre about these in advance.
Booking request
We would be very pleaÂsed to welcoÂme you as our guests.
Suhad Saed
TeleÂphoÂne: +970 59 5600504
TeleÂphoÂne: +970 2 2743783
E‑Mail: s.​saed@​lgate.​org
BurgÂhard Schunkert
TeleÂphoÂne: +972 2 2741373
E‑Mail: reha@​lgate.​org