Guest house

Lifegate Garden


Cont­act us

+970 2 2743783
+970 59 5600504




Direct­ly in Bethlehem

In the midd­le of Beth­le­hem, within walking distance of the Church of the Nati­vi­ty of Jesus, the gate to a small oasis opens behind a wall. Our guest house Lifegate Garden (Bethar­ram) is loca­ted on a quiet hill next to an old monas­tery, surroun­ded by olive groves, flowers and gardens.

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On three floors connec­ted by an eleva­tor, we offer a simp­le and very plea­sant stay for up to 70 peop­le in 34 rooms. All rooms are equip­ped with a toilet, show­er and WLAN.

Two rooms are available for wheel­chair users.


Show­er and toilet

All 34 rooms are equip­ped with show­ers and toilets.


All three floors are easi­ly acces­si­ble via an elevator.


You can access the Inter­net throug­hout the buil­ding via Wifi.

Wheel­chair accessible

Two of our rooms are desi­gned to meet the needs of wheel­chair users.

Common areas

Places to stay

A central fridge offers cool drinks and a small bar invi­tes you to enjoy a drink in the evening.

Beau­tiful outdoor seating areas can also be used. There is also an orien­tal cellar vault, where we serve deli­cious meals, as well as two loun­ges for lectures, semi­nars or meetings after the day’s program.

A friend­ly lounge also invi­tes you to enjoy a cozy get-toge­ther in winter.

A litt­le gem at the end: a former stable has been conver­ted into a beau­tiful litt­le chapel in our hostel, where you can find peace and quiet, cele­bra­te a church service or a pray­er or let the impres­si­ons of the day pass by once again.

Common areas and semi­nar rooms

There are two rooms available for lectures, semi­nars or meetings.

Dining room in the vaul­ted cellar

Treat yours­elf to a varie­ty of dishes in the orien­tal cellar vault.

Outdoor area with garden.

Enjoy the green oasis right on your doorstep.


Find peace and quiet in a beau­tiful litt­le chapel where the stable used to be.



In our guest house, young peop­le with disa­bi­li­ties are trai­ned by our staff in kitchen work, room service, gardening and laun­dry and later have the oppor­tu­ni­ty to work in other hotel businesses.

With your booking you support the work of Lifegate Rehabilitation with young peop­le with disa­bi­li­ties in Beth­le­hem and Beit Jala.


Plea­se note the Infor­ma­ti­on* below.


from 16 persons

Single room

Over­night stay with breakfast
53 €
Half board
65 €
Full board
77 €

Double room

Over­night stay with breakfast
40 €
Half board
52 €
Full board
64 €

Triple room

Over­night stay with breakfast
37 €
Half board
49 €
Full board
61 €

Indi­vi­du­al travel­lers and small groups

Up to 15 persons

Single room

Over­night stay with breakfast
60 €
Another meal
20 €

Double room

Over­night stay with breakfast
45 €
Another meal
20 €

Triple room

Over­night stay with breakfast
42 €
Another meal
20 €


  • Prices in Euro per person per room.
  • Single guests are reques­ted to pay the room price in cash on arrival.
  • Subject to price increa­ses at Easter and Christmas.
  • Coach drivers and local tour guides in single rooms recei­ve a 50 percent discount.
  • Lunch for groups 18 euros per person.
  • A depo­sit of 10 percent can be reques­ted at the time of booking. The invoice must be sett­led within 30 days.
  • You will recei­ve our binding reser­va­ti­on fees with the booking confir­ma­ti­on and they are part of the contract. Of cour­se you can also enqui­re about these in advance.

Booking request

We would be very plea­sed to welco­me you as our guests.

7 + 7 =



Lifegate Garden Bethar­ram Guest­house
Jamal Abdel Nasser 119

Suhad Saed

Tele­pho­ne: +970 59 5600504
Tele­pho­ne: +970 2 2743783
E‑Mail: s.​saed@​lgate.​org

Burg­hard Schunkert

Tele­pho­ne: +972 2 2741373
E‑Mail: reha@​lgate.​org