Our team

Who we are

Achie­ving great things together

We are a team of commit­ted peop­le, teachers, thera­pists, skil­led workers, trai­ners and volunteers.

Pales­ti­ni­ans, Israe­lis, and staff from abroad work and share a piece of life with the peop­le who come to us.

Burg­hard Schunkert

Chief mana­ging director

Alre­a­dy acti­ve in the West Bank since 1987, Burg­hard Schun­kert is today the head of Lifegate in Beit Jala.

In Beit Jala

Team leaders

The work of Lifegate is desi­gned and mana­ged by 10 team leaders with their respec­ti­ve teams.

In a weekly meeting of team leaders, the acti­vi­ties are repor­ted, joint events are coor­di­na­ted and agree­ments are made.

In month­ly team meetings, the team leaders pass on the latest news to their teams, talk about problems in trai­ning and ongo­ing work and inform the teams about current developments.

In regu­lar multi­di­sci­pli­na­ry team meetings, all persons from the depart­ments working with child­ren and adole­s­cents meet in order to inform, coor­di­na­te and formu­la­te results and new goals. Often the parents are also involved.

Some of our employees

Ute and Burg­hard Schunkert

Ute: physio­the­ra­pist
Burg­hard: Head of Lifegate



Suhad Saed

Guest house










Special school

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Passi­on, enthu­si­asm and trust.

Lived Chris­ti­an faith, crea­ti­vi­ty and above all love for peop­le are our strong connec­tion, which carri­es us even in diffi­cult times and gives us hope for every single person.