Welco­me to lifegate​-reha​.org!

5. December 2020

Final­ly, the time has come…

…the new home­page is here! We are very happy about the new virtu­al home for Lifegate Beit Jala, Lifegate Gardens and Tor zum Leben e.V.! At lifegate​-reha​.org you will find news, cont­act persons, the Lifegate cata­lo­gue, and much more! The new site does not only offer an attrac­ti­ve design that has also been opti­mi­zed for mobi­le devices, but also a comple­te­ly revi­sed content.

After a long time and much work, the home­page has beco­me as colourful and lively as the ever­y­day life at Lifegate is. This website is constant­ly being filled, expan­ded and adapt­ed – so it’s worth checking back regu­lar­ly! Since we are pain­ful­ly lack­ing direct cont­act in these times, the virtu­al exch­an­ge beco­mes all the more important and on lifegate​-reha​.org, we offer all kind of infor­ma­ti­on about us and would like to invi­te you to cont­act us.


What do I find where? 

  • Lifegate Beit Jala – Here you can find ever­y­thing about the work of Burg­hard Schun­ker­t’s team with child­ren and young peop­le with disa­bi­li­ties and their fami­lies in Beit Jala.
  • Guest house – Not far from the Lifegate House is the „Lifegate Garden” guest house. All ques­ti­ons regar­ding equip­ment, rooms and of cour­se booking are answe­red here.
  • „Tor zum Leben e.V.” – This is where the German-based support asso­cia­ti­on „Tor zum Leben e.V.” pres­ents itself, which supports the work of Lifegate in various ways.
  • News – The news from Beit Jala, Germa­ny and the whole world coll­ec­ted at a glance!
  • Get acti­ve – Without you and your support, our work would never be possi­ble. How can I beco­me acti­ve in Beit Jala or on my own door­step? Here you can find all the infor­ma­ti­on about volun­t­a­ry work in the Lifegate House, member­ship in the support asso­cia­ti­on or the possi­bi­li­ties to donate.
  • Workshop/​Shop – Looking for gift ideas? Products from our work­shops in Beit Jala are perfect gifts and finan­ce our work at the same time.
  • In addi­ti­on, at the very top you will find the items Media (news­let­ters, our cata­lo­gue, flyers, etc.), Jobs (Open posi­ti­ons & volun­t­a­ry services) and Cont­act (addres­ses & cont­act form).


We hope you enjoy explo­ring the site and look forward to recei­ving your comm­ents and sugges­ti­ons at this address: tzl@​lifegate-​reha.​de!