Lifegate in NovemĀ­ber 2021


15. December 2021

An unusualĀ­ly warm and sunny month of NovemĀ­ber lies behind us, with only a few days of rain in most parts of the counĀ­try. The parched land craves water and the large areas of forest burnt around JeruĀ­saĀ­lem cannot recoĀ­ver without abunĀ­dant rain.

After a few quiet weeks and the first tourists returĀ­ning to JeruĀ­saĀ­lem as well as to BethĀ­leĀ­hem, terror has again shown its ugly face in the Old City of JeruĀ­saĀ­lem and also in the West Bank and peopĀ­le have died and others are seriousĀ­ly injuĀ­red. It is sad that peopĀ­le on both sides contiĀ­nue to use terriĀ­ble violence and in the end everĀ­yoĀ­ne will be the loser.

PalesĀ­tiĀ­niĀ­an poliĀ­ce units and the IsraeĀ­li miliĀ­taĀ­ry are now stepĀ­ping up their crackĀ­down on these armed groups througĀ­hout the West Bank and East JeruĀ­saĀ­lem to prevent further attacks.

The rising CoroĀ­na infecĀ­tions in many EuroĀ­pean countĀ­ries and the new virus variĀ­ant have led to IsraĀ­el once again closing its borders to foreigĀ­ners and the hoped-for ChristĀ­mas tourism will thus fail to mateĀ­riaĀ­liĀ­se. The numbers of CoroĀ­na infecĀ­ted peopĀ­le in IsraĀ­el and the PalesĀ­tiĀ­niĀ­an terriĀ­toĀ­ries are also rising, but cannot be compared to what is happeĀ­ning in some EuroĀ­pean countĀ­ries. PeopĀ­le hope that no further restĀ­ricĀ­tions will be deciĀ­ded by the governĀ­ment on the just starĀ­ted Jewish HanukĀ­kah festiĀ­val and ChristĀ­mas. The year 2021 is approaĀ­ching its end with great striĀ­des and we did not lack for things to do in NovemĀ­ber either. We would like to report on some of the ā€˜highĀ­lightsā€™.

ā€˜IncluĀ­siĀ­on: A Lifegate concernā€™

As part of our incluĀ­siĀ­on programĀ­mes, 16 childĀ­ren from our kinderĀ­garĀ­tenvisiĀ­ted a reguĀ­lar kinderĀ­garĀ­ten in our district with their teachers and some theraĀ­pists. The programĀ­me had been prepared by both staff teams and all childĀ­ren had a lot of fun and joy while singing, playĀ­ing and telling stories togeĀ­ther. Through these programĀ­mes we want to reduĀ­ce fear of contĀ­act and encouĀ­raĀ­ge reguĀ­lar kinderĀ­garĀ­tens to also accept childĀ­ren with disabilities.

Full report

Read the full report here.