Lifegate Rehabilitation

Beco­me active

Whether through acti­ve parti­ci­pa­ti­on or through one or more dona­ti­ons – you can promo­te and support our work in a varie­ty of ways.


To this day, dona­ti­ons are still the central pillar of finan­cing the running costs of our rehabilitation work. Most of our donors know Lifegate and the spon­so­ring asso­cia­ti­on from perso­nal cont­acts and, in some cases, long-stan­ding relationships.

Beco­me part of the Lifegate fami­ly and support the child­ren and young peop­le in the West Bank with a dona­ti­on. Our asso­cia­ti­on is reco­gni­zed as a chari­ta­ble and non-profit orga­niza­ti­on and will issue you with a dona­ti­on receipt.

Dona­ti­on receipts are issued at the end of the year. If you requi­re a dona­ti­on receipt in the current year, plea­se cont­act our office.


Dona­ti­ons by bank transfer

You can support us conve­ni­ent­ly by bank transfer.

Tor zum Leben – Lifegate Rehabilitation e.V.

IBAN: DE88 7905 0000 0002 2675 81
BLZ: 79050000 (Spar­kas­se Main­fran­ken Würz­burg)

Dona­te via PayPal

You can support us conve­ni­ent­ly via PayPal.


You can beco­me a spon­so­ring member from an annu­al sum of 30 euros and thus beco­me part of the Lifegate fami­ly. By beco­ming a member, you provi­de relia­ble and regu­lar support for Life­ga­te’s work.

Support­ing membership

Plea­se comple­te the appli­ca­ti­on form and send it to the office by e‑mail or post.

Sale of goods from our workshops

One of the main tasks of the asso­cia­ti­on is to sell the goods from the Lifegate work­shops in Beit Jala in Germa­ny. Many peop­le help with this and offer the goods at bazaars in church commu­ni­ties and at Christ­mas markets, among other places.

They sell to friends and approach compa­nies that are looking for gifts for their employees, for exam­p­le. There is a lot of expe­ri­ence and a whole basket full of ideas. Plea­se get in touch with our work­shop sales staff.


Work­shop sale

Tor zum Leben – Lifegate Rehabilitation e.V.
Chris­ti­ne Mohr
Ceci­lia Monsalve

Albert-Einstein-Str. 25g
97941 Tauber­bi­schofs­heim

Tele­pho­ne: +49 9341 846 37 20
Mobil: +49 151 550 277 77
E‑Mail: werkstattverkauf@​lifegate-​reha.​de

Visit to Lifegate

For many years, peop­le have regu­lar­ly visi­ted Lifegate on site to gain a perso­nal impres­si­on. They have come to us as indi­vi­du­al trave­lers or orga­ni­zed in groups. Ever­yo­ne is welco­me and the Lifegate team looks forward to welco­ming guests.

Lifegate has also been coope­ra­ting for many years with an Israe­li orga­ni­zer of pilgrimage and walking tours to the Holy Land – SK Tours in Natu­re. The trips booked through the orga­ni­zer are plan­ned accor­ding to the fair travel prin­ci­ple: The groups visit Lifegate each time and also stay over­night in the Lifegate Garden guest house run by Lifegate or at another loca­ti­on in the West Bank. This means that your visit also bene­fits us econo­mic­al­ly. You will gain a fair insight into the condi­ti­ons and views of the Arab and Jewish-Israe­li side.

If you are inte­res­ted, plea­se cont­act Burg­hard Schun­kert or the office.

Office of Tor zum Leben e.V.

Tor zum Leben – Lifegate Rehabilitation e.V.
Maria Zaidan

Albert-Einstein-Str. 25g
97941 Tauber­bi­schofs­heim

Tele­pho­ne: +49 931 58069
Mobil: +49 1579 2361991
E‑Mail: geschaeftsstelle@​lifegate-​reha.​de

Lifegate Rehabilitation in Beit Jala

Lifegate Rehabilitation
Burg­hard Schunkert

Post-Office Box 177
Beit Jala
Isra­el – West Bank

Tele­pho­ne: +972 2 2741373
E‑Mail: reha@​lgate.​org

Working with Lifegate

You have the oppor­tu­ni­ty to volun­teer or help out at Lifegate and in the guest­house for a peri­od of time. There are many diffe­rent ways to get involved.

  • Manu­al work
  • Pedago­gi­cal assistance
  • Thera­peu­tic assistance
  • Work in the kitchen and cafeteria
  • Work in the guesthouse

The dura­ti­on of a short-term assign­ment should be at least one month to a maxi­mum of three months. In addi­ti­on, the German Asso­cia­ti­on of the Holy Land (DVHL) sends two volun­teers to Lifegate every year for a peri­od of one year.

If you are inte­res­ted, plea­se cont­act the office for more information.


Office of Tor zum Leben e.V.

Tor zum Leben – Lifegate Rehabilitation e.V.
Maria Zaidan

Albert-Einstein-Str. 25g
97941 Tauber­bi­schofs­heim

Tele­pho­ne: +49 931 58069
Mobil: +49 1579 2361991
E‑Mail: geschaeftsstelle@​lifegate-​reha.​de