Lifegate Rehabilitation



News­let­ter Autumn 2023

News­let­ter Autumn 2023 

News­let­ter Autumn 2023 There are new news from Beit Jala in this year’s autumn news­let­ter. This includes reports on new Steps at LIFEGATE after the summer vaca­ti­ons; Buil­ding Bridges in a tense…

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Lifegate in July and August 2023

Lifegate in July and August 2023 

Lifgea­te in July and August 2023 In the months of July and August, Burk­hard Schun­kert reports, among other things, on the end of the kinder­gar­ten and school year, on a cons­truc­tion story and on…

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Lifegate in June 2023

Lifegate in June 2023 

In the month of June, Burk­hard Schun­kert reports, among other things, on Lifegate Garden – a small oasis in the midd­le of Beth­le­hem, „Love goes through the stomach” and Dani­el and an „extra mile”.…

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Lifegate in May 2023

Lifegate in May 2023 

In the month of May, Burk­hard Schun­kert reports, among other things, about „Excur­si­on”, about coope­ra­ti­on with local univer­si­ties and school and kinder­gar­ten inclu­si­ve on the road. If you are…

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News­let­ter Pente­cost 2023

News­let­ter Pente­cost 2023 

There are new news from Beit Jala in this year’s Pente­cost news­let­ter. This includes, among other things, reports on coor­di­na­ted forms of thera­py in early inter­ven­ti­on; holi­stic support for trainees…

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Lifegate in April 2023

Lifegate in April 2023 

In the month of April, Burk­hard Schun­kert reports, among other things, on „important time toge­ther”, on Jad Halay­ka and humour knows no borders. You are curious what is behind the head­lines or…

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Lifegate in Febru­ary 2023

Lifegate in Febru­ary 2023 

In the month of Febru­ary, Burk­hard Schun­kert reports about a trip to Tel Aviv for a friend­ly game of wheel­chair basket­ball; on the new diesel aggre­ga­te or about Leylasan and Jaad. You are curious…

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News­let­ter Advent 2022

News­let­ter Advent 2022 

There is new news from Beit Jala in this year’s Advent news­let­ter. This includes reports on Early Inter­ven­ti­on at LIFEGATE – the start of a new life; Diver­se Thera­py Equip­ment or about many visitors…

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Lifegate in Novem­ber 2022

Lifegate in Novem­ber 2022 

In the month of Novem­ber Burk­hard Schun­kert reports on the basis of seve­ral keywords – exhaus­ted / trai­ned / chosen / flown out / having a fling / unpa­cked … – what has happen­ed in the past weeks…

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