Support, educa­ti­on & thera­peu­tic work

How we help

Support & Inclusion

Early support in the kinder­gar­ten for special needs

Child­ren aged three to five recei­ve holi­stic support. The earlier a child with special needs recei­ves profes­sio­nal support, the better it can deve­lop and disco­ver the world with its own abili­ties. Ther­e­fo­re, we offer child­ren with diffe­rent disa­bi­li­ties, deve­lo­p­men­tal delays or beha­viou­ral problems the oppor­tu­ni­ty to be support­ed daily in a small group with up to 8 other child­ren. They learn social rules in the groups and take their first steps towards self-suffi­ci­en­cy. We support parents with advice and assis­tance and invol­ve them close­ly in the deve­lo­p­ment of their child­ren. Our thera­pists help the child­ren seve­ral times a week in indi­vi­du­al thera­pies to take their next deve­lo­p­men­tal steps.


Special school

Child­ren aged 6 to 16 recei­ve holi­stic support. Since we are convin­ced that every child has a right to educa­ti­on, we offer schoo­ling to child­ren who are not admit­ted in many other schools in our regi­on. Instead of defi­ning fixed lear­ning goals that ever­yo­ne must achie­ve, we find out what the next step is for each student, which we then take toge­ther. In addi­ti­on to a basic know­ledge of the Arabic language in spoken and writ­ten form, basic mathe­ma­ti­cal know­ledge and some English skills, we include ever­y­day routi­nes that requi­re inde­pen­dence into the lessons. Our goal is to crea­te a place where child­ren can expe­ri­ence reco­gni­ti­on and appre­cia­ti­on and get an oppor­tu­ni­ty for education. 


Inclu­si­on programmes

Frequent visits and events with child­ren from regu­lar kinder­gar­tens and schools take place throug­hout the year. Indi­vi­du­al „Lifegate child­ren” are admit­ted to regu­lar schools in special programmes.


For an inde­pen­dent life

Voca­tio­nal training

Young peop­le with disa­bi­li­ties are prepared for their working life in 14 diffe­rent profes­si­ons. They can open a small work­shop them­sel­ves after­wards, find a job or work at Lifegate or another insti­tu­ti­on in a protec­ted workplace.

In addi­ti­on to prac­ti­cal trai­ning, they learn the Arabic language (reading and writing), basic arith­me­tic, recei­ve support­i­ve thera­pies and medi­cal care.

Medi­cal-thera­peu­tic work

Child­ren and young peop­le are presen­ted to specia­lists in order to obtain a thorough diagno­sis and assess­ment for the requi­red support.

Lifegate then provi­des them with the recom­men­ded thera­pies that will help impro­ve their physi­cal and cogni­ti­ve development.

On the advice of the doctors, opera­ti­ons are carri­ed out and, if neces­sa­ry, a profes­sio­nal supp­ly of aids is guaranteed.


Day care for child­ren with seve­re multi­ple disabilities

A first group of child­ren finds a beau­tiful­ly desi­gned place every day at Lifegate. The child­ren recei­ve inten­si­ve thera­peu­tic care, basal stimu­la­ti­on and also time to rest. We want to meet the request of many parents and further expand this work area for child­ren with seve­re multi­ple disabilities.


Outpa­ti­ent care

In our outpa­ti­ent nursing service we visit elder­ly peop­le and peop­le with a disa­bi­li­ty at home. They recei­ve the neces­sa­ry care, medi­cal treat­ment and thera­pies. Our team also guides fami­ly members on how to provi­de care.


Work with parents and families

Fami­ly members beco­me a part of our support team. We ask them to coope­ra­te and invi­te them to watch, listen and beco­me acti­ve with us, so that further support can also be provi­ded at home.