Priva­cy policy

1. data protec­tion at a glance

Gene­ral notes

The follo­wing infor­ma­ti­on provi­des a simp­le over­view of what happens to your perso­nal data when you visit this website. Perso­nal data are all data with which you can be perso­nal­ly iden­ti­fied. You can find detail­ed infor­ma­ti­on on the subject of data protec­tion in our data protec­tion decla­ra­ti­on listed below this text.

Data coll­ec­tion on this website

Who is respon­si­ble for data coll­ec­tion on this website?

The data proces­sing on this website is carri­ed out by the website opera­tor. Their cont­act details can be found in the imprint of this website.

How do we coll­ect your data?

On the one hand, your data is coll­ec­ted by provi­ding us with this infor­ma­ti­on. This can be data that you enter into a cont­act form, for example.

Other data is coll­ec­ted auto­ma­ti­cal­ly or with your consent by our IT systems when you visit the website. These are main­ly tech­ni­cal data (e.g. inter­net brow­ser, opera­ting system or time of the page call). This data is coll­ec­ted auto­ma­ti­cal­ly as soon as you enter this website.

What do we use your data for?

Part of the data is coll­ec­ted to ensu­re that the website is provi­ded without errors. Other data can be used to analy­se your user behaviour.

What rights do you have regar­ding your data?

You have the right to recei­ve infor­ma­ti­on free of char­ge about the origin, reci­pi­ent and purpo­se of your stored perso­nal data at any time. You also have the right to request the correc­tion or dele­ti­on of this data. If you have given your consent to data proces­sing, you can revo­ke this consent for the future at any time. You also have the right, under certain circum­s­tances, to request that the proces­sing of your perso­nal data be rest­ric­ted. Further­mo­re, you have the right of appeal to the compe­tent super­vi­so­ry authority.

You can cont­act us at any time at the address given in the imprint for this and other ques­ti­ons on the subject of data protection.

2. hosting and content deli­very networks (CDN)

Exter­nal Hosting

This website is hosted by an exter­nal service provi­der (hoster). The perso­nal data coll­ec­ted on this website is stored on the hoster’s servers. This may include, but is not limi­t­ed to, IP addres­ses, cont­act requests, meta and commu­ni­ca­ti­on data, contract data, cont­act data, names, website acces­ses and other data gene­ra­ted by a website.

The use of the hoster is for the purpo­se of fulfil­ling the contract with our poten­ti­al and exis­ting custo­mers (Art. 6 para. 1 lit. b DSGVO) and in the inte­rest of a secu­re, fast and effi­ci­ent provi­si­on of our online offer by a profes­sio­nal provi­der (Art. 6 para. 1 lit. f DSGVO).

Our hoster will only process your data to the extent neces­sa­ry to fulfil its perfor­mance obli­ga­ti­ons and will follow our instruc­tions with regard to this data.

We use the follo­wing hoster:

Mitt­wald CM Service GmbH & Co. KG

Königs­ber­ger Stras­se 4–6

32339 Espel­kamp

Conclu­si­on of a contract for order processing

In order to guaran­tee data protec­tion compli­ant proces­sing, we have concluded a contract for order proces­sing with our host.

3. gene­ral notes and compul­so­ry information

Data protec­tion

The opera­tors of these pages take the protec­tion of your perso­nal data very serious­ly. We treat your perso­nal data confi­den­ti­al­ly and in accordance with the legal data protec­tion regu­la­ti­ons and this data protec­tion declaration.

When you use this website, various perso­nal data is coll­ec­ted. Perso­nal data is data with which you can be perso­nal­ly iden­ti­fied. This priva­cy poli­cy explains what data we coll­ect and what we use it for. It also explains how this is done and for what purpose.

We would like to point out that data trans­mis­si­on on the Inter­net (e.g. commu­ni­ca­ti­on by e‑mail) can have secu­ri­ty gaps. A comple­te protec­tion of data against access by third parties is not possible.

Note on the respon­si­ble body

The person respon­si­ble for data proces­sing on this website is

Tor zum Leben – Lifegate Rehabilitation e.V.

Gertrud-von-le-Fort-Stras­se 68

97074 Würz­burg, Bava­ria, Germany

Phone: +49–931-32090760

e‑mail: geschaeftsstelle@​lifegate-​reha.​de

Respon­si­ble party is the natu­ral or legal person who, alone or joint­ly with others, deci­des on the purpo­ses and means of proces­sing perso­nal data (e.g. names, e‑mail addres­ses, etc.).

Storage dura­ti­on

Unless a more speci­fic storage peri­od has been speci­fied within this data protec­tion decla­ra­ti­on, your perso­nal data will remain with us until the purpo­se for which it was coll­ec­ted ceases to apply. If you assert a justi­fied request for dele­ti­on or revo­ke your consent to data proces­sing, your data will be dele­ted, unless we have other legal­ly permis­si­ble reasons for storing your perso­nal data (e.g. tax or commer­cial law reten­ti­on peri­ods); in the latter case, the dele­ti­on will take place after these reasons have ceased to exist.

Note on data trans­fer to the USA

Among other things, our website includes tools from compa­nies based in the USA. When these tools are acti­ve, your perso­nal infor­ma­ti­on may be trans­fer­red to the US servers of the respec­ti­ve compa­nies. We would like to point out that the USA is not a safe third coun­try within the meaning of EU data protec­tion law. US compa­nies are obli­ged to surren­der perso­nal data to secu­ri­ty autho­ri­ties without you as the person concer­ned being able to take legal action against this. It can ther­e­fo­re not be excluded that US autho­ri­ties (e.g. secret services) may process, evalua­te and perma­nent­ly store your data on US servers for moni­to­ring purpo­ses. We have no influence on these proces­sing activities.

Revo­ca­ti­on of your consent to data processing

Many data proces­sing opera­ti­ons are only possi­ble with your express consent. You can revo­ke a previous­ly gran­ted consent at any time. The lega­li­ty of the data proces­sing carri­ed out up to the time of revo­ca­ti­on remains unaf­fec­ted by the revocation.

Right to object to data coll­ec­tion in special cases and to direct adver­ti­sing (Art. 21 DPA)

If the data proces­sing is carri­ed out on the basis of Art. 6 Par. 1 lit. e or f DSGVO, they have the right to object to the proces­sing of their perso­nal data at any time for reasons arising from their parti­cu­lar situa­ti­on; this also appli­es to profil­ing based on these provi­si­ons. The respec­ti­ve legal basis on which proces­sing is based can be found in this data protec­tion decla­ra­ti­on. If you object, we will no longer process your perso­nal data unless we can prove compel­ling reasons for proces­sing which are wort­hy of protec­tion and which outweigh your inte­rests, rights and free­doms, or unless the proces­sing serves the asser­ti­on, exer­cise or defence of legal claims (objec­tion in accordance with Art. 21 para. 1 DSGVO).

Where their perso­nal data are proces­sed for the purpo­se of direct marke­ting, they shall have the right to object, at any time, to the proces­sing of perso­nal data rela­ting to them for the purpo­se of such marke­ting, inclu­ding profil­ing, inso­far as it rela­tes to such direct marke­ting. If you object, your perso­nal data will no longer be used for the purpo­se of direct adver­ti­sing (objec­tion under Art. 21 para. 2 DSGVO).


Right of appeal to the compe­tent super­vi­so­ry authority

In the case of infrin­ge­ments of the DPAs, the persons concer­ned have a right of appeal to a super­vi­so­ry autho­ri­ty, in parti­cu­lar in the Member State of their habi­tu­al resi­dence, place of work or place of the suspec­ted infrin­ge­ment. The right of appeal is without preju­di­ce to any other admi­nis­tra­ti­ve or judi­cial remedy.

Right to data transferability

You have the right to have data, which we process auto­ma­ti­cal­ly on the basis of your consent or in fulfilm­ent of a contract, handed over to you or to a third party in a common, machi­ne-reada­ble format. If you request the direct trans­fer of the data to another respon­si­ble person, this will only take place as far as it is tech­ni­cal­ly feasible.

SSL or TLS encryption

This site uses SSL or TLS encryp­ti­on for secu­ri­ty reasons and to protect the trans­mis­si­on of confi­den­ti­al content, such as orders or inqui­ries that you send to us as site opera­tor. You can reco­g­ni­se an encrypt­ed connec­tion by the fact that the address line of the brow­ser chan­ges from „http://” to „https://” and by the lock symbol in your brow­ser line.

If the SSL or TLS encryp­ti­on is acti­va­ted, the data you trans­mit to us cannot be read by third parties.

Infor­ma­ti­on, dele­ti­on and correction

Within the frame­work of the appli­ca­ble legal provi­si­ons, you have the right to obtain infor­ma­ti­on free of char­ge at any time about your stored perso­nal data, its origin and reci­pi­ents and the purpo­se of the data proces­sing and, if appli­ca­ble, a right to correct or dele­te this data. For this purpo­se, as well as for further ques­ti­ons on the subject of perso­nal data, you can cont­act us at any time at the address given in the imprint.

Right to limit processing

You have the right to request the rest­ric­tion of the proces­sing of your perso­nal data. You can cont­act us at any time at the address given in the imprint. The right to rest­rict proces­sing exists in the follo­wing cases:

  • If you dispu­te the accu­ra­cy of your perso­nal data stored with us, we usual­ly need time to veri­fy this. For the dura­ti­on of the audit, you have the right to request the rest­ric­tion of the proces­sing of your perso­nal data.
  • If the proces­sing of your perso­nal data was/​is carri­ed out unlawful­ly, you may request that the data proces­sing be limi­t­ed instead of deleted.
  • If we no longer need your perso­nal data, but you do need it to exer­cise, defend or assert legal claims, you have the right to request that we limit the proces­sing of your perso­nal data instead of dele­ting it.
  • If you file an objec­tion pursu­ant to Art. 21(1) 1 DSGVO, a balan­ce must be struck between your inte­rests and ours. As long as it is not yet clear whose inte­rests prevail, you have the right to request that the proces­sing of your perso­nal data be restricted.

If you have rest­ric­ted the proces­sing of your perso­nal data, such data may be proces­sed – apart from their storage – only with your consent or for the purpo­se of asser­ting, exer­cis­ing or defen­ding legal claims or protec­ting the rights of another natu­ral or legal person or for reasons of important public inte­rest of the Euro­pean Union or a Member State.

Objec­tion to adver­ti­sing e‑mails

We hereby object to the use of cont­act data published within the scope of the imprint obli­ga­ti­on to send adver­ti­sing and infor­ma­ti­on mate­ri­al not express­ly reques­ted. The opera­tors of the pages express­ly reser­ve the right to take legal action in the event of unso­li­ci­ted sending of adver­ti­sing infor­ma­ti­on, for exam­p­le through spam e‑mails.

4. data coll­ec­tion on this website


Our Inter­net pages use so-called „cookies”. Cookies are small text files and do not cause any dama­ge on your end device. They are either stored tempo­r­a­ri­ly for the dura­ti­on of a sessi­on (sessi­on cookies) or perma­nent­ly (perma­nent cookies) on your end device. Sessi­on cookies are auto­ma­ti­cal­ly dele­ted at the end of your visit. Perma­nent cookies remain stored on your end device until you dele­te them yours­elf or until they are auto­ma­ti­cal­ly dele­ted by your web browser.

In some cases, cookies from third-party compa­nies may also be stored on your end device when you enter our site (third-party cookies). These enable us or you to use certain services of the third party compa­ny (e.g. cookies for proces­sing payment services).

Cookies have various func­tions. Nume­rous cookies are tech­ni­cal­ly neces­sa­ry, as certain website func­tions would not func­tion without them (e.g. the shop­ping basket func­tion or the display of vide­os). Other cookies are used to evalua­te user beha­viour or display advertisements.

Cookies that are neces­sa­ry to carry out the elec­tro­nic commu­ni­ca­ti­on process (neces­sa­ry cookies) or to provi­de certain func­tions that you have reques­ted (func­tion­al cookies, e.g. for the shop­ping basket func­tion) or to opti­mi­ze the website (e.g. cookies to measu­re the web audi­ence) are stored on the basis of Art. 6 para. 1 lit. f DSGVO, unless another legal basis is given. The website opera­tor has a legi­ti­ma­te inte­rest in the storage of cookies for the tech­ni­cal­ly error-free and opti­mi­sed provi­si­on of his services. If consent to the storage of cookies has been reques­ted, the storage of the cookies in ques­ti­on is based exclu­si­ve­ly on this consent (Art. 6 para. 1 lit. a DSGVO); consent may be revo­ked at any time.

You can set your brow­ser so that you are infor­med about the setting of cookies and allow cookies only in indi­vi­du­al cases, exclude the accep­tance of cookies for certain cases or gene­ral­ly, and acti­va­te the auto­ma­tic dele­ti­on of cookies when closing the brow­ser. If you disable cookies, the func­tion­a­li­ty of this website may be limited.

Inso­far as cookies are used by third-party compa­nies or for analy­sis purpo­ses, we will inform you sepa­ra­te­ly about this within the frame­work of this data protec­tion decla­ra­ti­on and, if neces­sa­ry, request your consent.

Server log files

The provi­der of the pages auto­ma­ti­cal­ly coll­ects and stores infor­ma­ti­on in so-called server log files, which your brow­ser auto­ma­ti­cal­ly trans­mits to us. These are:

  • Brow­ser type and version
  • Opera­ting system used
  • Refer­rer URL
  • Host name of the acces­sing computer
  • Time of the server request
  • IP address

This data is not merged with other data sources.

The coll­ec­tion of these data is based on Artic­le 6(6). 1 lit. f DSGVO. The website opera­tor has a legi­ti­ma­te inte­rest in the tech­ni­cal­ly error-free presen­ta­ti­on and opti­mi­sa­ti­on of his website – for this purpo­se the server log files must be recorded.

Cont­act form

If you send us enqui­ries via the cont­act form, your details from the enquiry form, inclu­ding the cont­act data you provi­de there, will be stored by us for the purpo­se of proces­sing the enquiry and in the event of follow-up ques­ti­ons. We will not pass on this data without your consent.

The proces­sing of these data is based on Artic­le 6(6). 1 lit. b DSGVO, if your request is rela­ted to the fulfilm­ent of a contract or is neces­sa­ry for the imple­men­ta­ti­on of pre-contrac­tu­al measu­res. In all other cases, the proces­sing is based on our legi­ti­ma­te inte­rest in the effec­ti­ve proces­sing of the inqui­ries addres­sed to us (Art. 6 para. 1 lit. f DSGVO) or on your consent (Art. 6 para. 1 lit. a DSGVO), provi­ded that this consent has been requested.

The data you enter in the cont­act form will remain with us until you request us to dele­te it, revo­ke your consent for storage or the purpo­se for which the data was stored no longer appli­es (e.g. after your request has been proces­sed). Manda­to­ry statu­to­ry provi­si­ons – in parti­cu­lar reten­ti­on peri­ods – remain unaffected.

Inquiry by e‑mail, tele­pho­ne or fax

If you cont­act us by e‑mail, tele­pho­ne or fax, your inquiry inclu­ding all perso­nal data (name, inquiry) will be stored and proces­sed by us for the purpo­se of proces­sing your request. We will not pass on this data without your consent.

The proces­sing of these data is based on Artic­le 6(6). 1 lit. b DSGVO, if your request is rela­ted to the fulfilm­ent of a contract or is neces­sa­ry for the imple­men­ta­ti­on of pre-contrac­tu­al measu­res. In all other cases, the proces­sing is based on our legi­ti­ma­te inte­rest in the effec­ti­ve proces­sing of the inqui­ries addres­sed to us (Art. 6 para. 1 lit. f DSGVO) or on your consent (Art. 6 para. 1 lit. a DSGVO), provi­ded that this consent has been requested.

The data sent to us by you via cont­act enqui­ries will remain with us until you request us to dele­te it, revo­ke your consent for storage or the purpo­se for which the data was stored no longer appli­es (e.g. after your request has been proces­sed). Manda­to­ry statu­to­ry provi­si­ons – in parti­cu­lar statu­to­ry reten­ti­on peri­ods – remain unaffected.

5. plug­ins and tools


This website incor­po­ra­tes vide­os from the YouTube website. The website is opera­ted by Goog­le Ireland Limi­t­ed („Goog­le”), Gordon House, Barrow Street, Dublin 4, Ireland.

When you visit one of our websites where YouTube is embedded, a connec­tion to the servers of YouTube is estab­lished. This tells the YouTube server which of our pages you have visited.

Further­mo­re, YouTube may store various cookies on your end device or use compa­ra­ble tech­no­lo­gies for reco­gni­ti­on (e.g. device finger­prin­ting). In this way, YouTube can obtain infor­ma­ti­on about visi­tors to this website. This infor­ma­ti­on is used, among other things, to gather video statis­tics, impro­ve the user expe­ri­ence and prevent fraud.

If you are logged in to your YouTube account, you allow YouTube to assign your surfing beha­vi­or direct­ly to your perso­nal profi­le. You can prevent this by logging out of your YouTube account.

YouTube is used in the inte­rest of an attrac­ti­ve presen­ta­ti­on of our online offers. This consti­tu­tes a legi­ti­ma­te inte­rest within the meaning of Artic­le 6(6). 1 lit. f DSGVO. Provi­ded that consent has been obtai­ned, the proces­sing is carri­ed out exclu­si­ve­ly on the basis of Artic­le 6(6). 1 lit. a DSGVO; consent may be revo­ked at any time.

For more infor­ma­ti­on on how we hand­le user data, plea­se see the YouTube priva­cy poli­cy at https://​poli​ci​es​.goog​le​.com/​p​r​i​v​a​c​y​?​h​l=de.

Goog­le Web Fonts (local hosting)

This site uses so-called web fonts, which are provi­ded by Goog­le, for the uniform display of fonts. The Goog­le Fonts are instal­led local­ly. A connec­tion to Goog­le servers does not take place.

For more infor­ma­ti­on about Goog­le Web Fonts, see https://​deve​lo​pers​.goog​le​.com/​f​o​n​t​s​/faq and the Goog­le priva­cy poli­cy: https://​poli​ci​es​.goog​le​.com/​p​r​i​v​a​c​y​?​h​l=de.

Source: https://www.e‑


Goog­le Maps

This site uses the map service Goog­le Maps via an API. The provi­der is Goog­le Inc, 1600 Amphi­theat­re Park­way, Moun­tain View, CA 94043, USA.

To use the func­tions of Goog­le Maps it is neces­sa­ry to store your IP address. This infor­ma­ti­on is usual­ly trans­fer­red to a Goog­le server in the USA and stored there. The provi­der of this site has no influence on this data transmission.

The use of Goog­le Maps is in the inte­rest of an attrac­ti­ve presen­ta­ti­on of our online offers and easy findabili­ty of the loca­ti­ons we have indi­ca­ted on the website. This consti­tu­tes a legi­ti­ma­te inte­rest within the meaning of Artic­le 6(6). 1 lit. f DSGVO.

You can find more infor­ma­ti­on on the hand­ling of user data in Goog­le’s priva­cy poli­cy: https://​www​.goog​le​.de/​i​n​t​l​/​d​e​/​p​o​l​i​c​i​e​s​/​p​r​i​v​acy/.