Lifegate Rehabilitation

Gate­way to Life

We help peop­le with disa­bi­li­ties in the Holy Land – Isra­el and the Pales­ti­ni­an terri­to­ries – as well as in Jordan, Iraq and Egypt to learn to live inde­pendent­ly through support, educa­ti­on, trai­ning and therapy.

Lifegate Beit Jala

Unique and invi­go­ra­ting. Our house in Beit Jala is a real gate­way to life.

Lifegate Garden Guesthouse

For indi­vi­du­al trave­lers or groups, our guest house offers a small oasis of peace on your jour­ney through the Holy Land.

Support asso­cia­ti­on

Learn more about our asso­cia­ti­on that makes the work in Beit Jala possible.

Belie­ve more – music video

A new song by Danny Siegel for LIFEGATE in Beit Jala. Thank you!


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Fund­rai­sing campaign for the purcha­se of land

We cordi­al­ly invi­te you to buy a squa­re meter from the “Holy Land” for 530 euros and dona­te this squa­re meter to a child with a disability!

Dona­ti­ons for 75 percent of the requi­red area have been recei­ved so far! We are deligh­ted to recei­ve so much posi­ti­ve feed­back and would like to thank all previous donors for their support! The proper­ty has since been acqui­red with the support of two loans. Plea­se help us with the next steps, from the design of the proper­ty on the one hand and the repay­ment of the two loans on the other! You can find more infor­ma­ti­on in the follo­wing video (only in German).

  • Finan­cing 75% 75%

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News around Lifegate

Here you can disco­ver exci­ting stories, the latest news from Beit Jala and inte­res­t­ing back­ground reports about our work and the acti­vi­ties of our association.

News­let­ter Easter 2024

News­let­ter Easter 2024 

There is new news from Beit Jala in this year’s Easter news­let­ter. This includes reports on Jaad’s first steps in life and the plea­sing deve­lo­p­ment of seve­ral child­ren in LIFE­GA­TE’s early…

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Lifegate in Febru­ary 2024

Lifegate in Febru­ary 2024 

In Febru­ary, Burg­hard Schun­kert reports on the many wonderful things that have happen­ed at Lifegate under the heading Fort­u­na­te­ly, our work at Lifegate is a joy and, above all, makes sense! Are you…

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Lifegate in Janu­ar 2024

Lifegate in Janu­ar 2024 

IIn Janu­ary, Burg­hard Schun­kert reports on many wonderful things that have happen­ed at Lifegate, for exam­p­le in the early inter­ven­ti­on work, Lifegate Garden or the story of Besan at Lifegate. Are…

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„Every day when I go to school, my favo­ri­te thing is to study maths with my teacher Mariam.”

Years of
Lifegate work

Child­ren and young peop­le in daily support

Child­ren and young peop­le in daily indi­vi­du­al support



Plea­se help us!

Even a small finan­cial contri­bu­ti­on can have a big impact on the lives of indi­vi­du­als.
Help us so that we can help.